How to Set Up a Keyboard Shortcut in Ubuntu to Read Paywall Medium Articles Quickly and Easily
Medium used to be great. Fantastic material on all sorts of topics, presented in a nice clear format.
And then they needed to improve revenue, and suddenly when I clicked on a link to read an interesting-looking article, I found myself faced with a message saying, “You read a lot. We like that.” and asking for five dollars a month.
But it turns out that if you open the same link in an incognito Chrome window you can still read the article. However, I found myself getting tired of having to select the article URL in the address bar, copy it, open a new incognito window, paste the address in, and press Enter. Who wants to waste ten seconds of their life like that? If you read six articles a day, that’s a minute that you’ll never be able to recover, which sums up to six hours a year!
If you use Ubuntu Linux 19.04, you can use the following instructions to bind a command to a keyboard shortcut that does the work for you. If you use an earlier version of Ubuntu finding the settings is slightly different, but the rest of the instructions still work.
- Click on the little down arrow at the top right, next to the turn off icon.
- Click on the cog in the menu that drops down. That calls up the settings window.
- In the settings window click on Devices > Keyboard.
- Scroll down the right pane and click on the + symbol. This allows you to define a new keyboard shortcut.
- Enter a name in the first text field, the Name field, for example, “Open Incognito”.
- Copy and paste the bash command in the grey box below into the Command text field.
- Click on “Set Shortcut” and choose your key combination. I use Ctrl+Shift+M.
- Close all the windows.
bash -c "sleep 0.5; xdotool keydown alt key d; sleep 0.2; xdotool keyup alt keydown ctrl key c; sleep 0.2; xdotool keydown shift key n; sleep 0.2; xdotool keyup shift keyup ctrl keydown alt key d; sleep 0.2; xdotool keyup alt keydown ctrl key v; sleep 0.2; xdotool keyup ctrl key KP_Enter"
Now when you’re faced with a Medium paywall message, all you have to do is hit your keyboard shortcut combination, and the article will be available to read in 1.5 seconds.
I wonder how long it will take Medium to remove this article? I can’t find anything in the Medium Rules or Guidelines that this contravenes, so it will be interesting to find out what happens.